Thoughts are Things

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You imagine many things that are not so,
 but if you continue to imagine these things, they eventually come to pass;

It is because the imagination is the process of imaging these things in or on your mind, and this process is nature's method of creation.

Perhaps you may think that your imagination can create nothing.
Well, you can easily prove whether this is so or not yourself.

 Take a piece of white paper about twenty-four inches square.
 Draw a circle as large as this paper will permit and then draw a horizontal line through the center of the circle.
 Call the left end of the line "A" and the right end "B".
 Now, draw a vertical line through the circle and call the north end of this line "C" and the south end "D".
 Take a lead pencil and attach a string about eight inches long and upon the end of the string tie a small weight about the size of a quarter
 . Now, then, for the proof.
Place the paper on a table, stand upright, and hold the rod above the paper
so that the pendulum will be just above the center of the paper where the lines intersect.
Now think of the line A-B, but do not move;
 in a few minutes the pendulum will swing back and forth along the line A-B.
 Now think of the line C-D;
 the pendulum will stop swinging back and forth and will begin to swing up and down along the line C-D.

Now take your thought off from the lines entirely and fix it upon the circle.
 The pendulum will begin a circular motion.
Now then, think that the pendulum is swinging faster and faster, that you can hardly stop it.
 The motion will become so fast, that you can hardly see it go.

Now then, think that it will not move at all, that something is the matter with it.
It will stop!

This experiment is one that Mr. Charles Baudouin of The Jean Jacques Institute in France uses to illustrate the power of thought to his students.
You may think that this is will power.
 It is nothing of the kind. In fact, if you will the pendulum to move, it will not budge;
 you must think of the result, not upon how it is accomplished.

In his experiments, Mr. Baudouin found that the higher the type of intelligence that the student possessed
the more rapidly did he secure results.
Those students who were more or less deficient in mentality were very slow and in some cases results were almost negligible.

When you become familiar with the operation of this law,
 you will have found the secret of success, of health, of prosperity, of happiness, and of popularity.

You will have discovered a law that is as dependable as the law of gravitation.
When this law is put into operation for the purpose of bringing about material success or prosperity,
 it is called the Creative Law of Prosperity.

You may ask,
 how can this result be accomplished?
 How will the things be brought to you that will make you harmonious, prosperous, and happy?
 They will come to you through the operation of Natural Laws.

Spirit, Universal Mind, life, energy—they express through all forms of the seen and unseen side of life.
 The human brain is the finest, most vibrant vehicle on this plane and thus it has power or control over all things.

If you think or concentrate along any particular line, you start a train of causation;
 and if your thought is sufficiently concentrated and kept continuously in mind, what happens?

There is only one thing that can occur. Whatever the vision you have, the imagination you have, the image is accepted by the Universal Intelligence expressing through the cells of your physical body and environment, and these cells send out their calls into the great formless energy everywhere around you for the material that corresponds with the image and harmonizes in its vibration with it, and whether the image is for success along any particular line or fear of a particular thing, you call the atoms from out of the formless energy which make for the success or the thing you fear—you relate with conditions necessary to bring into manifestation the thing you desire or the thing you fear.
Thoughts of anger, hatred, fear, jealousy, worry, etc., act directly on the secretions causing an actual poison in the system,
 which in time will destroy the body unless they are overcome with love, harmony, joy, faith, etc.
 Constructive thoughts and love is the strongest of all.

We are told by the greatest of teachers that the fundamental or foundation law of our being is love.
 Love God, love your neighbor, love yourself, love your enemy, love everybody and everything.
 No one can afford to hate because hate always destroys the hater. It is said that "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make angry."

Prosperity is a harmonious, creative state of being.
 Creative law will overcome every kind of inharmony, whether it be financial, physical, mental, moral, or social.

Every thought of lack or poverty acts directly on the heart,
affecting the circulation causing constipation, congestion, and many forms of disease due to poor circulation.

Thoughts of prosperity, love, joy, and happiness also act upon the heart,
 causing good circulation and a healthy body.
 There is much truth in the sayings "Laugh and grow fat" and "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine."

Any physician will tell you that if he can get a good circulation of pure blood to the part or organ of the body affected,
 he can heal it, regardless as to what may appear to be the difficulty.

All possession is based on consciousness.
 All gain is the result of an accumulative consciousness.
 All loss is the result of a scattering consciousness.
 This is another way of saying that thoughts are things and that things are thoughts—what one thinks materializes.
 Thoughts are today being photographed showing that they take form in the surrounding ether, or universal substance.
 These are scientific facts.

Thought is a creative energy and will automatically correlate with it object and bring it into manifestation
 because thought is spiritual energy or vibration.

All this brings us back to the fact that prosperity is the result of right, or creative, thinking and that poverty is the result of wrong,
 or destructive, thinking.

You can prove this for yourself in a very short time.

Begin by taking these words: "I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, prosperous, and happy."
Repeat them over and over to yourself as often as you can think to do it,
especially the last thing before dropping off to sleep at night and the first thing upon awaking in the morning.
Remember, these are creative words.

Every thought or word opposed to them is destructive and must not be allowed to enter your mind or to be expressed in words.
 Every thought of disease, sickness, and pain is opposed to wholeness and perfection and should be eliminated by declaring,
 "I am whole and perfect!" Every thought of weakness is opposed to strength and should be put out of mind by saying,
 "I am strong and powerful!"



Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.